Greywell Road Safety Group – Donation site now live

Your invitation to help stop traffic speeding through Greywell – By making a donation to establish Gateways at the entrances to our village you can make a huge difference to traffic calming in Greywell.
Your gift will also help purchase a third Speed Indicator Device to add to the two already encouraging cars and vans to slow down. Further information can be found on the Greywell Road Safety Group page.

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Next Parish Council Meeting

The next meeting of the Parish Council will be in the village hall at 6pm on Wednesday 5 February 2025. The agenda for this meeting can be found on the “agenda and minutes” page of “your Parish Council”. Members of the public are welcome to attend and listen to proceedings. If, as a member of the public, you wish to speak at the meeting the Chairman will invite you to do so under the appropriate agenda point.

The Greywell Boardwalk

Work to replace and refurbish part of the Greywell boardwalk has recently been completed by the Countryside Services team at Hampshire County Council Council.

The project has been supported throughout by volunteers who have worked with the Countryside Team from the start of the project in June 2023. Without the support of these volunteers the work would have taken much longer.

The project has been a huge team effort from start to finish – with numerous Access team rangers assisting and learning the process of working with material which is a very new concept to the team – a recycled plastic/fiberglass which will never rot and provides a much-needed grip for footpath users especially in wet and icy conditions.

Temporary closure of footpath 3 in Greywell

The Countryside Service has extended an Order to temporarily close part of Greywell Footpath 3 to enable phase 2 of repair works to take place to the boardwalk along this route. The path will be closed from 31 July 2024 for a period of 1 month or until completion of the works, whichever is sooner.

The Order is attached below.