The Parish Council provides a range of services to residents as well as monitoring the services provided by Hart District Council and Hampshire County Council. The services provided by the Parish Council are:
Maintenance of the Village Public Open Spaces
The Parish Council organises maintenance of the public open spaces in the village primarily through twice yearly and well supported Village Clean-up events where resident volunteers work in teams to clear overgrowth and tidy verges through-out the village. The hard work of the volunteers is much appreciated but the “Clean-ups” are also social events and traditionally end with a barbecue.
The Parish Council is a member Hampshire County Council Parish Lengthsman Scheme which provides funding for village upkeep tasks including highway ditch clearance, road-sign cleaning, grass and hedge cutting and minor repairs.
The Parish Council also organises and contributes to other maintenance works on an “as-required” basis. This has in recent years included major projects to enhance the footpaths and area of the village. These include improvements to the boardwalk footpath (now managed by Hampshire County Council) between the Church and Greywell Mill alongside the beautiful River Whitewater and a biodiversity project to clear and replant the neglected area between the bridge and Old Post House on Deptford Lane.
Other works have also ranged from the replacement of stiles with kissing gates, pollarding of a potentially hazardous tree to correcting a leaning post box.
Telephone Box/Village Defibrillator
The Parish Council has installed a defibrillator in the old village telephone box using a scheme run by Scottish and Southern Electric and the Community Heartbeat Trust.
Planning Consultations
The Parish Council is a statutory consultee for planning applications in the parish. However, the decision on whether to grant or refuse permission is made by the Planning Authority, which for most applications is Hart District Council.
The Parish Council follows a planning applications protocol which recognises that its members are representatives, not delegates, of the residents of Greywell and the Council seeks to treat each application which it reviews fairly, consistently and transparently.
Information on planning applications can be found on the planning pages of Hart District Council website.
Speed Watch
Greywell has a thriving Speedwatch group which is run by a team of volunteers and supported by the Police.
Volunteers work in teams to record the speed, make, model and number plate of offending vehicles. They have a varied pattern of activity that includes sessions during various months of the year.
For details of how to get involved or for further information about the scheme please contact Cllr Henri Mogg.
Speed Indicator Devices
The Parish Council owns, and is responsible for, speed indicators in the village. Further information can be found on the specific page for Speed Indicator Devices.
Roads and Public Rights of Way
Hampshire County Council is the local authority responsible for maintenance of roads and Rights of Way. Any issues regarding Rights of Way should be reported to The Countryside Team at Hampshire County Council and any issues regarding roads, such as potholes should be reported to the Highways Department at Hampshire County Council. Alternatively, issues can be reported on
Anti-Social Behaviour
Anti Social Behaviour should be reported to Hart District Council via their online form. Anti-social behaviour can include vandalism, littering, noise nuisance, aggressive dogs, graffiti, verbal abuse and rowdy, threatening and inconsiderate behaviour.